Stray Dog Rescued From The Street Thanks His Human With Sticks Of All Sizes
The life of a stray dog is hard from day one, and I’m sure you all will agree that, often, these dogs go through so much trouble, pain, and challenges just to survive and make it through the night. While some dogs are lucky to be rescued, like Snoop, for example, others are exposed to extreme elements and subjected to torture and abuse until they succumb to untreated injuries and illnesses. So why don’t animal shelters take them in? That’s because animal shelters are buildings, and a building can house only as many strays as it can before becoming overcrowded.
Let’s face it, according to the World Health Organization, there are over 200 million stray dogs walking the planet and The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals states that approximately 3.3 million stray dogs are housed in U.S. animal shelters every year. The best way to reduce these numbers is to give stray dogs a second chance by adopting them instead of buying rare dog breeds from breeders. Let’s remember that shelter or stray dogs aren’t broken – they’re still capable of showering you with unconditional love, commitment, and devotion. And gifts! We’ll get to that in a bit!
Meet Snoop, a stray dog, who was fighting for survival and living on the streets at the mercy of those who occasionally fed him, keeping him alive. In October 2015, when Elliott Ford saw Snoop, he hoped that someone would come forward, take the poor boy home and give him a better life. Little did he know that he’d be driving Snoop in his car, taking him home and giving him a second chance to love and life! Ford knew that Snoop had gone through so much, and only needed love and happiness to overshadow all the sadness and pain he had experienced. Snoop, on the other hand, was all smiles as he sat in Ford’s car, and instantly bonded with Ford. The poor boy was grateful to be rescued from a life on the cold hard streets to a life filled with warmth, love, cuddles, and treats!
When Snoop reached home, in the countryside, he was thrilled and excited and seeing his excitement, Ford was happy that the boy he picked up from the streets was now free to do as he pleased! Apart from rolling in the mud, probably to cool off or mask his scent, Snoop loves to be around his family and follows Ford everywhere, even in the bathroom! Ford, who’s never had a dog before, is also grateful for the bond and friendship he shares with Snoop. Ford claims that Snoop has made his life better, especially in these testing times when we’re all practicing social isolation. Well, remember the gifts we were talking about earlier?
Apart from rolling in the mud and following his family around, 5-year-old Snoop loves to carry humongous sticks and bring most of them home as “gifts” to his family! Ford claims that sometimes, those sticks turn out to be humongous tree branches that Snoop proudly carries back home without second thoughts! When it comes to sticks, size matters because Snoop, who was initially bringing home tiny sticks, is now on the lookout to bring home the biggest “stick” he can find! Ford states that the good boy, who’s super proud of his stick-carrying abilities, has brought home 50% of sticks he’s found! Well, we all love a happy ending, and a garage full of sticks, and branches!
What’s the best way to help strays find their forever loving homes? Let us know in the comments below. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends!