In 1965, when Jerry Zimmermann saw Georgene Martin, nee Huber in the ninth class of Farnsworth Junior High School in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, he fell head over heels in love with her. Although they never really talked, whenever she fleetingly glanced at him, his heart would skip a beat. It wasn’t until high school when Jerry mustered up the courage to ask Georgene and her friend, who were walking to school if they wanted a ride. They agreed and a lovestruck Jerry found himself sitting next to the girl he wanted to live the rest of his life with.

Being the shy kind, Jerry didn’t even introduce himself let alone confess his love for Georgene! Once they reached school, the girls thanked him and went on their way leaving a speechless Jerry alone. That day he mulled over his next move; all he wanted was to tell Georgene how he felt about her, hoping she felt a little something for him too. All he had to do was offer a ride, have her sit in his car and that was it. The perfect way to tell her how he felt about her.

When it was time to go home, Jerry ran to the parking lot and began driving around school, hoping to “accidentally” bump into Georgene. Much like he expected, he did bump into Georgene and her friend, who were walking home, but when he offered a ride, they refused. With a deep wound in his heart, a devastated Jerry slowly rolled up the window and drove away.

During their senior year, when Jerry realized that Georgene was engaged, he was heartbroken with nothing to cushion the blow. Soon Jerry found himself with a degree in physical geography and moved to Spokane, Washington, where he worked as a cartographer in the U.S. Geological Survey’s mapping department. Georgene was still on his mind. Twice a year Jerry would visit his family in Wisconsin and whenever he visited, he’d drive by Georgene’s house, hoping to catch a glimpse of her.

He’d often open the local phone book for her name and there it was – listed beside her husband’s name. After divorcing a second time, he returned home in December 1998 to catch up with his friend, Frank Cooper and it was then that he found out that Georgene’s husband had recently passed away from a brain tumor. Before leaving for Washington, Jerry visited a local florist and sent Georgene a bouquet of roses with a note asking her out for coffee. He knew he didn’t want to wait any longer, but he didn’t want to be insensitive either, so in his note, he told Georgene how he wouldn’t mind waiting another 40 years for her.
In May 1999, Jerry returned to Wisconsin, and when he learned that Georgene was interested in meeting him for coffee, he called her in the night and they spoke for over an hour. In the spring of 1999, the two went out for the first time in 40 years! At 51, a lovestruck Jerry finally confessed his unending love for Georgene and even popped the question! After hearing Georgene’s “Yes”, Jerry resigned from his job in Washington and moved back to Wisconsin to be with the love of his life.

For several years things were great between them, but soon Jerry developed a limp and was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. However, they continue to love each other and are grateful for everything they have together!

How long would you wait for the love of your life? Let us know in the comments below. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends!