Tiny Orphaned Kitten Couldn’t Stop Crying Until She Curled Up To A Dog
Some humans believe that we’re the animal kingdom’s apex mammal, but we’re wrong. So wrong. It really isn’t a competition, each mammal is right where they are, but sadly sometimes humans fall beyond belief. We’re humans, yet some of us lack humanity, compassion, and empathy and believe it or not, animals have the potential to knock us back into our place! Animals are a step ahead of us. Take an example of this tiny orphaned kitten who wouldn’t stop crying for help, and only calmed down when a resident dog promised to care for her.

There are three kinds of people on this planet – ones who care for animals and would do anything for them, ones who love animals but wouldn’t go beyond just loving them, and finally, ones who believe that humans have the right to do whatever they please with animals. Think I’m wrong? Well, in a few days, you’ll see our story about a poor sable who was at the edge of a sword, and that statement will make sense. For now, let’s focus on our poor tiny kitten. Meet Morgan, an incredible woman lives on a farm with her four pets, away from the hustle and bustle of the big city.

One fine morning, Morgan heard a kitten crying for help from somewhere outside her farm, but because of the dense thicket surrounding her farm, it was difficult for her to locate the poor kitten. Morgan immediately tasked one of her big cats to locate the kitten and within a short period of time, they saw a tiny frightened kitten curled up near a little tree stump. Morgan wanted to bring the terrified kitten home but decided to leave it there to see if its mother would return. Morgan monitored the kitten from afar, making sure no other animal would hurt her while she waited for its mother to return.

But as hours passed by and the sun began setting, Morgan knew she couldn’t leave the poor kitty outside since foxes frequented her farm in the nights. So she brought the flea-infested kitten home, gave her a much-needed bath to get rid of the fleas, and named her Polly. As soon as Morgan’s 12-year-old dog, Pax, heard Polly’s squeaks, he came to check on her and that was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Polly immediately took to Pax, started nuzzling into his fur for some much-needed warmth and immediately fell asleep. Morgan knew that the first three weeks were crucial to Polly’s health so she bottle-fed her until she was ready to be weaned.

Once Polly began eating food like the rest of her fur-family, Pax would watch over her and wait patiently until she finished eating before cleaning her up! According to Morgan, Pax and Polly are like two peas in a pod, totally inseparable! So much so that Pax has taught many dog things to Polly, and Polly, on the other hand, has learned to make a noise that sounds like a bark! Pax loves Polly so much that he doesn’t mind being on the receiving end of her mischief, so long as they get to cuddle and snuggle together after a long day.

Doesn’t this story just warm your heart? While we may be the apex mammal, we should never let that get to our heads because there’s so much we can learn from animals.

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